karliflux "144.75.. what?"


The Solid Gear (august 27th, 2024)

Hello this is Sauliflux from the website.

It has been eleven (11) months since the last website update and that is CRAZY !! and I saw some of my fellow CTA Enthusiasts[1] talking about their own websites so I'm like: "havent changed my website in like a year" and so here we are.

A couple things have changed in the last year on the internet (only a couple) but whatever. I'll put some cool stuff on the site if I get the time..

Also I redid the look of the website and stuff (not sure about it yet, but better than what was there)

[1]CTA Enthusiasts: Linux conspiracy group dedicated to orchestrating the downfall of miscellaneous software projects, most notably Sober and other VinegarHQ-related projects.

month late (420, 2023)

happy like 1 year of new cet website or smth!!!!

🍝!!! (january 7th, 2023)


seasonal closure (december 29th, 2022)

hello everyone how was your christmas

neocity!!! (october 9th, 2022)

neocities now!!!!! we all love neocities

remade (april 5th, 2022)

omg they remade the cet websiste. plz give me bac the olde one dis one)

cet (march 11th, 2022)
